“Kosovo’s judicial system exists to serve the public interest. Kosovo’s judicial system belongs to all citizens of Kosovo, regardless of their national origin, ethnicity or gender”.
The Commercial Court of Kosovo was established by Law No. 08/L-015 on the Commercial Court of Kosovo, within the existing framework of the judicial system of the Republic of Kosovo and operates in accordance with its principles. The Commercial Court serves as both a first and second instance court.
The Commercial Court of Kosovo adjudicates all commercial disputes and administrative conflicts, as defined by the Law on the Commercial Court.
The Commercial Court adjudicates matters within its competence with jurisdiction over the entire territory of the Republic of Kosovo, and is organized into First Instance Chambers and the Second Instance Chambers.
The Second Instance Chambers act as a second instance court and adjudicate all cases received following the appeal from the First Instance Chambers of the Commercial Court. All cases in the Second Instance Chambers are decided by a panel of three (3) professional judges, unless otherwise stipulated by law, while they are competent to review:
-all appeals from decisions of the First Instance Chamber within the competences;
-all appeals of an order transferring, or refusing to transfer a case within First Instance Departments on the timely motion of a party;
-conflicts of jurisdiction from First Instance Chambers, within a period of thirty (30) days;
-other matters as may be provided by Law.
-The Supreme Court of the Republic of Kosovo shall decide on the conflict of jurisdiction between the Commercial Court and other courts.
The First Instance Chambers are competent to review and adjudicate in the first instance by an individual judge all cases within the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court, equivalent to the Basic Courts.
In order to enable an efficient process, in the First Instance Chambers, judicial processes are reviewed by:
– the Economic Matters Department, within which operates the Division for disputes concerning foreign investors,
– the Fiscal Department,
– the Administrative Matters Department
– the General Department.
The Commercial Court of Kosovo began operations on 1 August 2022. The Commercial Court is located in Prishtina and has jurisdiction throughout the entire Republic of Kosovo, while it exercises its activity in the Palace of Justice – Hajvali.
The Administration of the Commercial Court of Kosovo is comprised of the following: Office for Information and Media Communication; Legal Unit; Administrator’s Office; Office for Case Management; Office for Joint Services and Office for Budget and Finance.